Bachelor’s of Science in Nursing

Angeles College offers two Bachelor degree programs for Nursing, RN to BSN and Prelicensure. Click below to learn more about each program.

Earn your B.S. in Prelicensure Nursing degree in just 3 years through our accelerated blended program. Notably, our program actively focuses on delivering a comprehensive education to develop highly-competent nurses equipped with extensive knowledge and nursing skills. Furthermore, our graduates actively embrace patient-centered care and grasp the significance of lifelong learning and evidence-based nursing procedures, all aimed at striving for optimal patient care outcomes.

Moreover, we’ve designed our BSN curriculum to align with the regulations of the California Board of Registered Nursing, the AACN BSN Essentials, and the QSEN competencies. Consequently, upon completing the program, graduates will attain a higher level of competence in the nursing field. Additionally, the curriculum features a unifying theme, with courses progressively teaching program concepts.

Furthermore, our program actively offers a range of courses, including Nursing Assessment, Budgeting, Clinical Quality Improvement, and Nursing Leadership. These courses effectively equip students with the tools they need to actively become leaders in the diverse healthcare field.

An Accelerated Program

The Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing is an accelerated program of 12 continuous quarters or 3 years.

*Transfer Credits may be granted for General Education and Nursing courses earned from another accredited College. Transfer Credits may also be granted to LVNs and RNs (with an Associate Degree). Applicants must submit their Official Transcripts along with the Application for Transfer Credit Evaluation Form.

The Bachelor of Science in Prelicensure Nursing is only offered at the Los Angeles campus

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing (Prelicensure) at Angeles College (Los Angeles campus) is accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE), 655 K Street NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.””


Clock Hours
2540 hours/180 Quarter Credits
(1390 theory hours, 160 lab hours, 990 clinical hours)
High School Diploma or GED

LTY150Information Literacy2000
ENG101English Composition 14000
MTH101Intermediate Algebra4000
ART202Art History4000
COM100Public Speaking3000
ENG102English Composition 24000
MTH200Introduction to Biostatistics4000
PSY101Introduction to Psychology4000
NUT335Nutrition and Diet Therapy4000
SOC300Sociology of Diversity4000
BIO100Human Anatomy with Lab40400
PHI305Philosophy of Ethics4000
BIO200Human Physiology with Lab40400
NSG414Health Policy and Finance4000
PSY250Human Development Lifecycle4000
BIO300Microbiology with Lab40400
NSG300Professional Issues in Nursing4000
NSG310Health Assessment Assessment4000
NSG310LHealth Assessment Lab0400
NSG320Pharmacology 14000
NSG330Foundations of Nursing Practice5000
NSG330CFoundations of Nursing Practice Clinical0090
NSG340Gerontological Nursing4000
NSG340CGerontological Nursing Clinical0060
NSG360Pharmacology 24000
NSG355Evidence-Based Practice4000
NSG350Medical-Surgical Nursing 14000
NSG350CMedical-Surgical Nursing 1 Clinical0090
NSG302Nursing Informatics4000
NSG370Medical-Surgical Nursing 24000
NSG370CMedical-Surgical Nursing 2 Clinical0090
NSG400Mental Health Nursing4000
NSG400CMental Health Nursing Clinical0090
NSG410Women's Health Nursing4000
NSG410CWomen's Health Nursing Clinical0090
NSG420CPediatrics Clinical0090
NSG430Population Health Nursing4000
NSG430CPopulation Health Nursing Clinical0090
NSG440Leadership and Management4000
NSG440CLeadership and Management Clinical0090
NSG460Medical-Surgical Nursing 34000
NSG460CMedical-Surgical Nursing 3 Clinical0090
NSG450Clinical Quality and Safety4000
NSG490LTransitions to Practice Workshop/Lab00120

Registration Fee$100.00
Books & Equipment$4,744.00
School Fees
(Laboratory, Program & Technology)
G.E. ($450/unit)
Science ($580/unit)
Nursing ($690/unit)
Total Amount*$124,687.50

Campus : Los Angeles

Upcoming Classes : Call (213) 487 - 2211
or email
Next Start: April 7th, 2025 (Spring Quarter)

For the 2nd Quarter, April 1-June 30, 2024 (most recent report), Angeles College Los Angeles' NCLEX pass rate is 100%. Click to view the Quarterly Performance.